A Coronectomy - Made Simple

Expedentist. Surgeons Who Make You Smile

What is a Coronectomy?

A coronectomy is when the crown (the top, white part) of the tooth, usually a wisdom tooth, is removed and the roots are left behind below the gum. 

Why would I need one? 

A coronectomy is done to reduce the risk of damaging the nerve that gives feeling to your lower lip, chin and tongue; the inferior dental nerve. This nerve runs within the bone of the lower jaw, close to the root tips of the wisdom teeth. If the wisdom tooth roots are very close to this nerve, you may wish to have a coronectomy, instead of an extraction, to help reduce the risk of this nerve becoming damaged. 

Who can have a coronectomy?

A coronectomy can be done on any impacted wisdom tooth that does not itself have any decay within it. It is important that the wisdom tooth itself is healthy, as this will reduce the likelihood of any problems after the procedure. Your surgeon will also assess the shape of the roots, to ensure they will be sturdy after the procedure.

Our Expedentist surgeons assess cases individually to ensure that you are offered the best treatment for you! 

A happy woman receiving a dental examination, showing confidence in professional oral care.